How accurate is a 24 hour EEG? Quels sont les aliments interdits quand…

페이지 정보

작성자 Joeann 작성일24-11-13 14:34 조회4회 댓글0건



How accurate is a 24 hour EEG?

Results. Ambulatory EEG captured IED/seizures with a sensitivity of 72%, compared with 11% for the first rEEG and 22% for the second rEEG. The diagnostic performance of the aEEG was statistically better (AUC: 0.85) compared with the first rEEG (AUC: 0.56) and second rEEG (AUC: 0.60). [En savoir plus...]

Is hyoscine good for bloated stomach?

Hyoscine butylbromide is an antispasmodic medicine which is taken to relieve cramps in the stomach, intestines or bladder. In particular, it helps to ease bloating and the spasm-type pain that can be associated with irritable bowel syndrome and diverticular disease. [En savoir plus...]

Quels sont les aliments interdits quand on a un ulcère ?

Gastrite & ulcere : je dois éviter quels aliments ?Les pommes de terre frites et fritures.Choucroute et champignons.Abats, gibier et volailles grasses.Poissons gras: anchois, sardines, saumon, anguille, maquereau, thon.Les fromages fermentés.Les fruits au sirop ou en conserve. [En savoir plus...]

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